Jill Parker Landsman, M.R.E.
The Write Results
Delivering powerful editorial, production, design, media & marketing solutions to drive your message home. Targeted messaging.
Media Strategies
Successful traditional media and social-media strategies are about targeting the right audiences with impact messaging. Identify, write and deploy a top level set of key messages, especially newsworthy messages. Deliver fresh content on a regular basis. Measure results with metrics from all media types.
Social Marketing & Financial Literacy
Financial literacy advocates believe our best hope is to teach people to adhere to a budget, to understand mortgage documents before signing, and to save enough money in case of a change in employment. The right educational tools need to be taught at events for receptive citizens across the generations. Using Social Marketing outreach, students, millennials, Boomers and others can learn how to live within their means and secure their financial future.
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing – which promotes brands – uses several forms of Internet media/channels to reach the organization’s consumers, members or targeted audiences. Not just website advertising, digital marketing also uses mobile phones, social media, television, radio and print advertising, search engine marketing (link marketing), e-books and more.
Presentation Skills, Demeanor
​Communications take many different forms: oral or written, public presentations and confidential memos. Depending on the situation, I am able to deliver either a simple message, a complex presentation or a nuanced argument. As apolished speaker, I have the ability to present to large crowds or calm and work with disgruntled consumers. My demeanor, coaching and listening skills are assets in all circumstances.
Branding & Identity
Brands evolve and need care and feeding. Members or customers should help to shape an organization’s brand, as adjustments will always need to be made as the company grows. Brands have multiple layers, not just the outer wrapping. It must represent the heart, mind and soul of the company. Company staff must work to show the (corporate) love that they have for their members, customers, consumers.
*Able to grasp complex issues, policies easily
*Adapts well in new computer environments
*Collaborates as a team player yet works well to meet individual deadlines
*Executes plans in a timely basis
*Crisis management experience
Innovative solution maker.